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There are three exciting ways to access Darkrealms... using a dialup modem, a Telnet client, or a web browser.

If you are using a dialup modem, make sure your terminal software is set to Ansi emulation (or RIP if your software supports it), using 8-bit, no parity, 1 stop bit (known as "8N1"). It is recommended that you set your modem to 9600 baud. Dial +1-647-847-2083. If you are having trouble connecting, try turning off any modem compression or error-correction.

If you are using Telnet, you should use a client specifically designed for connecting to bulletin boards such as SyncTerm. The command-line Telnet clients in Windows and Linux may not display colors or menus correctly.

Darkrealms can be accessed with an HTML5-capable web browser, or a browser that has Adobe Flash Player installed. Clicking on the "Connect" link starts the console. Depending on the resolution of your monitor, it may be desirable to resize your browser so the BBS console fits your screen properly. The File Downloads section may not work correctly in a web browser.

If you are in school or on a campus/corporate network, you may not be able to access Darkrealms if your network firewall has a policy preventing Web/Telnet access.

Keep in mind... You are accessing a system that runs software from the 1990's... without modern encryption technology. It is currently not possible to use SSH or HTTPS.

If you plan to use the Message Forums, please note that the vast majority of message areas on Fidonet require posting with a real name, or at least a real-sounding name.

Copyright (c) 1994 - Darkrealms BBS